10 Facts about Representative Democracy

Post On: February 22, 2017

Facts about Representative Democracy talk about a type of democracy, which a group of people is represented by the elected officials.  The representative democracy is different from the direct democracy. Thus, it is often called as psephocracy, representative republic or indirect democracy. This style of democracy is applied in almost all-modern western-styled democracies. It is applied in federal republic of United States, parliamentary republic of Ireland and crowned republic of United Kingdom. The following post below will give you insights about the representative democracy:

Facts about Representative Democracy 1: the benefit

The representative democracy is selected because of the high efficiency. In the country with mass societies, having representatives in the parliaments is the best option.

Representative democracy

Representative democracy

Facts about Representative Democracy 2: the efficiency

Representative democracy is considered as the most efficient type because a small number of people will be the representatives of the large number of people.

Facts about Representative Democracy 3: how to measure the effectiveness

The effectiveness of representative democracy is seen on the efficient usage of time and cost.

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Representative democracy image

Representative democracy image

Facts about Representative Democracy 4: the monetary benefit

When a state or nation applies the representative democracy, they can reduce the monetary cost due to the reduction of vote counters and polling stations.

Facts about Representative Democracy 5: the wage of the representatives

The representatives will be paid by the government. Moreover, it can cut the time when making a decision for the country, as the representatives had the responsibility.

Facts about Representative Democracy 6: the representative government

The representative government is the political system, which becomes the concept of representative democracy. It was rooted from the American and French revolutions in 18th century. The representatives or lawmakers are elected by the people. The representatives are considered as a part of the presidential and parliamentary system of government in the world. In Ireland, the representatives sit at Dáil Éireann. In Great Britain, they sit at House of Commons.

Facts about Representative Democracy 7: the political theorists

Ian Liebenberg, Gregory Houston and Robert A Dahl are some of the political theorists who believed that representative democracy is form of polyarchy. It means that the people will elect the representatives who have power to create laws.

Representative democracy Facts

Representative democracy Facts

Facts about Representative Democracy 8: the power of the elected representatives

The representatives may have the power for selecting the Prime minister, officers for the legislature or government, presidents or even other representatives.

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Facts about Representative Democracy 9: the constitution

The constitution defines the power of representatives in a nation.

Facts about Representative democracy

Facts about Representative democracy

Facts about Representative Democracy 10: the first application

The first application of representative government was traced back in Roman Republic.

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