10 Facts about Robert Minhinnick

Post On: August 4, 2018
In: Poet

Facts about Robert Minhinnick tell us about the notable Welsh poet. He is also known as a translator, novelist and essayist. He was born on August 12th, 1952. The birthplace of Minhinnick was located in Neath. Now, Minhinnick settles in Porthcawl. During his life, Minhinnick has created various kinds of works. Have you ever read one of Minhinnick’s books? If you have not, you should try to read one. You will be impressed with Minhinnick’s work. There is no need to wonder that he is a popular novelist. Let us get other interesting facts about Robert Minhinnick:

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 1: education

Let us find out the education background of Minhinnick. He attended University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Then he continued his education at University of Wales, Cardiff.

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 2: charities

Minhinnick was the co-founder of charities like Sustainable Wales and Friends of the Earth because he is concerned with environment.

Facts about Robert Minhinnick

Facts about Robert Minhinnick

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 3: the characteristics of Minhinnick’s works

He uses the international and Welsh themes in his works. In 1997 until 2008, he became the editor for Poetry of Wales.

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Facts about Robert Minhinnick 4: the publication

Minhinnick is a notable author. The publication of Minhinnick includes a number of volumes of essays and seven poetry collections.

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 5: as a translator

As I have stated in the beginning that Minhinnick is also known as a translator. The Adulterer’s Tongue is the title of an anthology translated from the contemporary Welsh poems.

Robert Minhinnick Facts

Robert Minhinnick Facts

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 6: Sea Holly

Sea Holly is the title of Minhinnick’s first novel. In autumn 2007, the novel was published in the market.

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Facts about Robert Minhinnick 7: the poetry

In 1978, A Thread in the Maze was published. The Looters Seren and Hey Fatman Seren were published in 1989 and 1994 respectively. Other works of poetry include The Yellow Palm, After the Stealth Bomber, Selected Poems Carcanet, Native Ground Triskele, and After the Hurricane Carcanet.

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 8: Forward Prize

‘Twenty-five Laments for Iraq’ is the work of Minhinnick, which makes him earn Best Individual Poem of Forward Prize in 1999. ‘The Fox in the National Museum of Wales’ received the similar prize in 2003. The Society of Authors to British poets awarded him with Eric Gregory Award in 1980 and Cholmondeley Award in 1998. He also earned English-language Wales Book of the Year Award for To Babel and Back. The book talks about the journey to Middle East.

Robert Minhinnick

Robert Minhinnick

Facts about Robert Minhinnick 9: novels

In 2007, Sea Holly Seren was published as his first novel. It was followed by The Keys of Babylon published in 2011. In 2015, Limestone Man Seren Books was circulated for publication.

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Facts about Robert Minhinnick 10: translation and essays

Minhinnick is also a translator. In 2003, The Adulterer’s Tongue: Six Welsh Poets: A Facing-Text Anthology was published in the market. His famous essays include To Babel and Back Seren, The Green Agenda: Essays on The Environment of Wales and Watching the Fire Eater Seren Books.

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