10 Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God

Post On: November 20, 2018

If you like learning the Egyptian culture, you should read Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God. Have you ever heard about Thoth before? He assumed the role as one of the ancient deities in Egypt. Marat was his wife, while Seshat was the feminine counterpart of Thoth. The animal sacred to Thoth was a baboon or an ibis. The depiction of Thoth in art was a man with a head of that sacred animal.

Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 1: the chief temple

The city of ancient Egyptian serves as the chief temple of Thoth. During the Hellenistic period, it was known as Hermopolis Magna in Latin.

Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 2: the importance of Thoth

Thoth was considered as an important deity in Egyptian mythology. Thoth and Maat were considered as the significant deities who stood besides Ra in the solar barge. Thoth also had the role to manage the universe.

Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 3: the association

Thoth had been linked with writing system, magical art, judgment of the dead, and science development in the future history of ancient Egypt.

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Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 4: the depiction of Thoth

The depiction of Thoth depended on the artists on how they would present the aspect of the deity. The period of the depiction also mattered. The common depiction of Thoth is having an ibis head with a human form.

Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 5: the god of equilibrium

When Thoth assumed the role as the god of equilibrium or A’an, he would be depicted with a human form and a head of a dog faced baboon.

Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 6: the roles of Thoth

In the Egyptian mythology, Thoth had many roles. He took the credit for inventing the writing system of Egyptian hieroglyphs. He also took the credit for maintaining the universe by calculating the formation of Earth, stars and heaven. The development of science was also conducted by Thoth. He was known as the author of magic, philosophy, religion and science. He was credited as the inventor of oratory, writing, medicine and astronomy by the Greeks.

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Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 7: the unlimited power

Thoth had unlimited power when he was in the Underworld.

Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 8: scribe of the gods

Thoth was known as the scribe of the gods. He would record the result of the weight of heart. The dead would be allowed to pass the afterlife if the heart is equal with the weight of the feather.


Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 9: a moon god

The original source stated that Thoth actually was a moon god. Therefore, it played an important role in the early astronomy and astrology.

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Facts about Thoth the Egyptian God 10: the moon cycle

The event and rituals in the ancient Egypt were affected by the cycles of the moon.

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