10 Rasy Facts about Rosa Parks

Post On: July 27, 2017

Facts about Rosa Parks explain the famous activist of Civil Rights movement. She was born on 4th February 1913 and died on 24th October 2005.  Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was known as the mother of freedom movement. She is also dubbed as the first lady of civil rights. Parks rose to fame after she refused to give her seat in the colored section to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama on 1st December 1955.

Facts about Rosa Parks 1: bus segregation

Segregation took place in various forms. One of them was the bus segregation, which divided the seat into the white section and colored section. When the white section was completely filled, James D. Blake ordered Parks to give her seat to the white passenger. However, she refused the order of the bus driver.

Facts about Rosa Parks 2: resistance over bus segregation

The resistance over bus segregation actually took place before Rosa Parks had the action. In 1942, Bayard Rustin had the same action. Others include Irene Morgan and Sarah Louise Keys.

Facts about Rosa Parks 3: Browder v. Gayle 1956 lawsuit

Browder v. Gayle 1956 lawsuit was a case, which took place before the incident of Parks. Mary Louise Smith, Susie McDonald, Aurelia Browder and Claudette Colvin were arrested in Montgomery for they refused to give the bus seats.

Facts about Rosa Parks 4: Montgomery bus boycott

Montgomery bus boycott took place after the incident of Parks, which increased her fame. There is no need to wonder that she became the international symbol of resistance toward racial segregation.

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Facts about Rosa Parks 5: collaboration

Parks worked together with other important figures in the civil rights movement such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Edgar Nixon.

Facts about Rosa Parks 6: NAACP

NAACP played an important role in the civil rights movement. Parks was the secretary of NAACP for the Montgomery chapter.

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Facts about Rosa Parks 7: the life after the incident

The incident changed her life. She earned numerous death threats. Moreover, she could not keep her job as a seamstress in a local department store. However, she earned many honors in the later years.

Facts about Rosa Parks 8: moving to Detroit

She relocated to Detroit. She also worked as a tailor there for a brief period.

Rosa Parks Bus Diagram

Rosa Parks Bus Diagram

Facts about Rosa Parks 9: John Conyers

John Conyers was an African-American Representative. Parks became his receptionist and secretary.

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Facts about Rosa Parks 10: retirement

Parks focused to write her autobiography after she retired from her work.

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